Agenda of the Majlis’ 23th Ordinary Session Tuesday
Seventh Term - Fourth Year

Subject Article
First Approving the minutes of the twentieth ordinary session of the Council.
Second Report of the Committee on Security Affairs regarding the annual report of the Ministry of Defense for the fiscal year 1438/1439 AH (2017-2018).
Third Report of the Committee on Security Affairs regarding the annual report of the Ministry of Defense for the fiscal year 1439/1440 AH (2018-2019).
Fourth Report of the Committee on Human Rights and Oversight Bodies regarding a draft memorandum of understanding between the National Anti-Corruption Authority (now Control and Anti-Corruption Commission) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Nations Development Program in the area of corruption prevention.
Fifth Report of the Committee on Human Rights and regulatory bodies regarding the draft memorandum of understanding between the General Auditing Bureau (the General Bureau for Auditing now) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau in the Republic of Iraq for cooperation in the field of accounting, supervisory and professional work.
Sixth The views of the Committee on Finance regarding the members’ comments and opinions on the annual report of GOSI for the fiscal year 1439/1440 AH (2018-2019).
Seventh The views of the Committee on Education and Scientific Research regarding the members’ observations and opinions on the annual report of the Ministry of Education for the fiscal year 1439/1440 AH (2018-2019).
Eighth Report of the Committee on Transportation, Communications and Information Technology regarding the annual report of the General Authority of Civil Aviation for the fiscal year 1439/1440 AH (2018-2019).
Ninth Report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Family and Youth regarding the annual report of the General Authority of Endowments for the fiscal year 1439/1440 AH (2018-2019).
Tenth Any other new subjects.