Agenda of the Majlis’ 15th Ordinary Session Monday
Seventh Term - Fourth Year

Subject Article
First Approving the minutes of the 12th regular session of the Council.
Second Report of the Committee on Security Affairs regarding two draft memoranda of understanding between the Ministry of National Guard in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and each of the National University of Seoul, the National Institute of Clinical Trials and the National University of Seoul Hospital in the Republic of Korea.
Third The views of the Committee on Economy and Energy regarding the members’ comments and opinions on the annual report of the General Authority for Competition for the fiscal year 1439/1440 AH (2018-2019).
Fourth The views of the Committee on Islamic and Judicial Affairs regarding members’ observations and opinions regarding amending Paragraph (D) of Article (31) of the Judicial Law, issued by the Royal Decree No. (M / 78) dated 9/19/1428 AH (30/9/2007), submitted in accordance with Article (23) Of the Council Law.
Fifth Report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Family and Youth Committee regarding the annual report of the Social Charitable Fund for the fiscal year 1439/1440 AH (2018-2019).
Sixth Report of the Committee on health regarding the annual report of the Saudi Red Crescent Authority for the fiscal year 1439/1440 AH (2018-2019).
Seventh Report of the Committee on Hajj, Housing and Services regarding the annual report of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs for the fiscal year 1439/1440 AH (2018-2019).
Eighth Any other new subjects.